11 days until '28 days to golf' party!
View scores and more from previous seasons.

Some interesting figures for the past 23 years.

...Since Steve started keeping track.

Best Score: 30

shot by...
Bob Filas on 2009-08-13

Top 30 players with most rounds played.

Jim Smith - 592 Steve Sumner - 591 Dave Werner - 584 Dave Bartels - 583
Bob Kerwin - 566 Mike Studer - 549 Linda McLaren - 543 Mike Gaydos - 522
Jan Kochevar - 507 Larry Preboy - 505 Dave Smith - 492 Eddie Luzbetak - 480
Keith Courtright - 471 Mark Stevens - 464 Tim Reading - 461 Jimmer Militelo - 451
Bob Filas - 450 Jim Klancher - 440 Dave Thomas - 432 Phyllis Videtich - 398
Dan Vera - 391 Mike Collins - 389 Tom Pucel - 369 Bob Scagnelli - 368
Sal Lara - 366 Duck Kochevar - 364 Darvin Schulte - 347 Larry Hausser - 337
Bob Smith - 337 David Trizna - 333

Total Greenies:

Bob Filas - 37 Bob Kerwin - 36
Mike Studer - 31 Linda McLaren - 30 Dan Plutz - 25 Joe Fournier - 24
Larry Hausser - 22 Al Frankovich - 18 Mike Gaydos - 18 Dave Bartels - 18
Sal Lara - 17 Dave Werner - 17 Tony Scagnelli - 16 Jim Klancher - 15
David Trizna - 14 Jimmer Militelo - 13 Tim Reading - 13 Mark Stevens - 13
Steve Sumner - 13 Phyllis Videtich - 13 Tom Pucel - 12 Kurt Johnson - 12
Larry Preboy - 12 Bobby Charley - 12 Dennis Burns - 11 Dave Thomas - 11
John Jackson - 11 Janet Seddon - 10 Darvin Schulte - 9 Steve Barichello - 9
Keith Courtright - 9 Mark Nelson - 8 Dan Vera - 8 Duck Kochevar - 8
Cindy Gonzalez - 8 Dave Sowa - 8 Bruce Nelson - 7 Clay Schulte - 6
Terry Mangun - 6 Pat Riley - 6 Nancy Murphy - 5 Chris Adler - 5
Bill Studer - 5 Mike Fazio - 5 Jim Smith - 5 Tony Moore - 5
John Wietlispach - 5 Dave Bernard - 4 Bill Gabel - 4 Mike Collins - 4
Tom Moretti - 4 Jan Kochevar - 4 Steve Shroba - 4 Alan Sowa - 4
Judi Scagnelli - 4 Jason Vavra - 4 Stan Demsky - 4 Jim Smolucka - 3
Sharon Espe - 3 Brian Sarna - 3 Dave Smith - 3 Ray Smith - 3
Dawn Ambrosini - 3 Joe Vranich - 2 Mark Smith - 2 Kyle Smolucka - 2
Greg Glomb - 2 Ray Rub - 2 Rip Cornelius - 2 Puddy Hettman - 2
Kendall Jackson - 2 Jim Eklund - 2 Mark Guildenzoph - 2 Eddie Luzbetak - 2
John Espe - 2 Dick Branz - 2 Steve Yankey - 2 Andy Creevy - 2
Jan Libersher - 2 Tom Lathrop - 1 Bob Smith - 1 Nate David - 1
Dan Belcher - 1 Bob Scagnelli - 1 Jim Sealy - 1 Brad Greenbush - 1
Jim Davidson - 1 Scott Wyss - 1 Tom Harper - 1 Rick Flynn - 1
Doug Dralle - 1 Sam Studer - 1 Rusty Schelling - 1 Karen Lombardo - 1
Fred Maske - 1 Joe Viscum - 1 John Petkewicz - 1 Gloria Vivian - 1
Keith Howen - 1 Bob Miller - 1 Larry Kozak - 1

Largest Group each year

2024 = 50
2023 = 52
2022 = 51
2021 = 50
2020 = 49
2019 = 53
2018 = 55
2017 = 52
2016 = 51
2015 = 60
2014 = 59
2013 = 55
2012 = 53
2011 = 56
2010 = 56
2009 = 60
2008 = 61
2007 = 57
2006 = 55
2005 = 59
2004 = 56
2003 = 59
2002 = 61

Our largest group was 61 on 2002-06-27.
Our smallest group was 5 on 2002-05-16.
15814 total rounds of golf (Approximately $347,908 in cart and greens fees).
79,070 beers consumed (260,931).
5,535 bags of popcorn and 6,326 dogs or brats.

We have traveled 48,736 miles over the turf.

Virtual $ winners.
The largest win in a single night was Dan Mahalik ($420) on 2007-05-03.
Dawn Ambrosini won the smallest amount so far ($2) on 2024-08-08.
$96,413 total "virtual" dollars won.