Harper, Tom

Selected Date: 9/16/2024
'Login' to Edit Scores
Prev round: 2024-09-12, score 51, 3 pts.
Prev Average: 2

2024-04-11 - Score: 80 - Pts: 0 (0)
2024-04-18 - Score: 53 - Pts: 2 (1)
2024-04-25 - Score: 53 - Pts: 3 (2)   $8.00
2024-05-02 - Score: 53 - Pts: 5 (4)   $20.00
2024-05-09 - Score: 60 - Pts: 0 (2)
2024-05-30 - Score: 55 - Pts: 3 (3)   $5.00
2024-06-06 - Score: 59 - Pts: 0 (1)
2024-06-13 - Score: 56 - Pts: 3 (2)   $7.00
2024-06-27 - Score: 59 - Pts: 1 (1)
2024-07-11 - Score: 57 - Pts: 2 (2)   $4.00
2024-07-18 - Score: 50 - Pts: 6 (4)   $33.00 *
2024-07-25 - Score: 58 - Pts: 4 (4)
2024-08-01 - Score: 52 - Pts: 4 (4)
2024-08-08 - Score: 54 - Pts: 3 (3)
2024-08-15 - Score: 51 - Pts: 4 (4)   $5.00
2024-08-22 - Score: 58 - Pts: 2 (3)
2024-08-29 - Score: 58 - Pts: 0 (1)
2024-09-05 - Score: 58 - Pts: 1 (1)
2024-09-12 - Score: 51 - Pts: 3 (2)   $12.00
( # ) = Calculated Points.
( # ?) = Temp best guess from last 2 rounds.

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Skins Game Scores
1 4 3
2 5 8
3 6 9